Dear customer,
in order to prevent the spread of counterfeit TOR VM products since May, 2019 each package of products with catalog numbers 1.020, 1.021, 1.055, 1.069, 1.070, 1.071, 1.072, 1.075, 1.083, 1.085, 1.198, 1.298, 1.310, 1.320, 1.330, 1.358, 1.398, 1.600, 1.610, 1.620, 1.630 will contain a unique 13-digit authenticity code. By entering this code in the form below, you can find out whether you have purchased the original TOR VM product.

We'd like to draw your attention to recently revealed fake authenticity labels

Attention! Fake authenticity labels!

Please be careful when buying - choose the products with original authenticity labels.
1) Wipe off the protective layer on the back label and get 13-digit authenticity code:

2) Enter the code in the authenticity check form and click the "Check" button:

Information about the date of production is indicated on the back label of the package, near the sign in format YYYYMM:

Please do not confuse lot number and date of production with authenticity code.